After the resurrection of Jesus and a one day evangelistic campaign preached by Peter in Jerusalem, 3000 became believers and this happened:
“And the new believers, continuing daily, with one accord, in the temple, and breaking bread from House to House , and did eat with gladness and singleness of heart…praising God…and the Lord Added to the church daily.”
– Acts Chapter 2 The Bible
Persecution of Believers and the church started immediately.
“As for Saul(who would later become Paul the Apostle)he made havoc of the Church , entering into every House and haling men and women committing them to prison.”
– Acts 8:3
But the church kept growing house to house into Judea, Europe, Africa and on. Paul writes…
“Greet Priscilla and Aquila my helpers in Christ Jesus…and greet the Church that is in their house.”
– Romans 16:3-5
“Salute the brethren which are in Laodicea and Nymphas and the church that is in his house.”
– Colossians 4:15
“Philemon, my dearly beloved…and to the church in thy house, grace to you and peace.”
– Philemon 1:2,3
Perhaps in our day, in the midst of national and global changes taking place, and as we see the church of Jesus Christ growing around the world through house churches, this is a worthy endeavor to pursue. We are In the midst of significant shifts on both national and global scales, the Church of Jesus Christ is steadily expanding worldwide, notably partly through house churches. Given these dynamic times, engaging in this meaningful pursuit can hold immense value and relevance.